Donna Turner
visionary - coach - practitioner

Top 10 FAQ about Intuition

1. What is intuition? Intuition is the ability to know or understand something without conscious reasoning.
2. Can intuition be developed? Yes, intuition can be developed with practice and self-awareness.
3. What are some signs that I am intuitive? Signs that you may be intuitive include experiencing "gut feelings," being able to sense the energy of a person or environment and having strong dreams or visions.
4. How can I improve my intuition? You can improve your intuition by practicing mindfulness, listening to your body, trusting your instincts, keeping a journal, and visualizing.
5. What are some common blocks to developing intuition? Common blocks to developing intuition include fear, self-doubt, and overthinking.
6. Can intuition be used in decision-making? Yes, intuition can be a helpful tool in decision-making, especially when combined with logic and reason.
7. Is intuition the same as psychic ability? Intuition and psychic ability are related but not the same. Intuition is a natural human ability, while psychic ability is often thought of as a more specialized skill.
8. Can intuition be wrong? Yes, intuition can sometimes be wrong, especially if it is clouded by fear or anxiety.
9. Can intuition be tested? There is no standardized test for intuition, but there are exercises and practices that can help you to develop and strengthen your intuition.
10. How can I tell the difference between intuition and wishful thinking? The best way to tell the difference between intuition and wishful thinking is to pay attention to your physical sensations and to question your motivations. Wishful thinking tends to be driven by desire, while intuition is often accompanied by a feeling of certainty or knowing.

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